Everyone has a father…
…few have five
Life can be an adventure, if you let it be. Every twist and turn puts us onto a path that courage and sense of heritage enable us to experience. Over time we gain the vision to see the inter-connections. If we’re lucky we experience the best that can be amongst family and community. It is in honor of five men who have given so much that we have established Five Saints Distilling and International Spirits LLC.
Click here to hear John's discussion live on his podcast or listen below.
The Five Saints
Five Saints Distilling Inspiration

The Father

He was a great dad and a great man loved and respected by many. My time with him was precious and there are nothing but fond memories. The epitaph inscribed on his tombstone reads “Fair and Young Just Ready to live, Loving and Caring always willing to Give, Toiling daily to achieve only the best, Watching and caring for all of the Rest”. He did and still does in so many ways.

Uncle Ray
The Fireman & Craftsman

Uncle Ray sat us down and said he never could replace our Dad but that he would be there for us and he was. My introduction to firefighters was in the grand firehouse of Little Falls, NY where he worked. I spent many hours with Uncle Ray in my younger years learning a variety of crafts – carpentry, electrical, plumbing, design, auto repair. There wasn’t anything he couldn’t build or fix and I am appreciative of all his teachings and inspiration.

The Outdoorsman

Uncle Joe was the oldest brother and an expert woodsman, hunter and outdoorsman. I have fond memories of hunting and fishing with he and my cousins. For some reason I learned the art of improvising when and where needed. Everything can work and workout if you can keep the end in mind and use what you have. I hope to pass these lessons learned to my own children.

The Businessman

As a business man Uncle Bob took a risk in his early forties and built a Lumber and Building materials empire in upstate NY. He loved his brother and loved us as well. I have fond memories of working at the lumber yard between college years. When he passed I was in Tokyo on business. An elderly Japanese man and I payed our respects by tossing a bouquet into the bay that day. Risk taking is part of life and he gives me the courage to do so everyday.

John "Giovanni"
My Fifth Father

John “Giovanni” is perhaps one of the kindest, gentlest, wisest men I have ever known. His generosity of heart and spirit, and love for mom and us helped us grow. He knows me well, and if you meet him he can tell you a thing or two about my brothers and I. It may or may not be true. What is absolutely true is that most folks have one father, I was blessed with five, who by virtue of having put up with me are, in my opinion, “Saints.”